Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sidebar updated + taxes

Sarah let me know that the Roth IRA contribution limit increases to $5,500 in 2010, so I've updated my sidebar accordingly. While I was in there, I also updated my savings information to reflect my mid-month deposit, and entered my initial Roth 2009 deposit, which I made last week. I bought a new index fund, so I had to make the $3,000 contribution in one lump sum; I'm planning to make small monthly deposits for the remaining $2,000 beginning in March.

I finished doing my federal taxes and started working on my state returns on Friday night (a riveting Friday night, to be sure). It looks like I'm going to get back a little over $500 between the two returns, which will be a nice bump. Last year I only got about $325 back. As I said in an earlier post, I prefer to get less taken out of my checks so that I can save the money myself throughout the year.  As long as I don't wind up owing any money at the end of the year, this works best for me.  


Anonymous said...

Now it'd be awesome if a fellow blogspot user could enlighten me on creating those beautiful sidebar goal trackers :) Pretty please?

Glad I could help you readjust your savings! There'd be nothing worse than saving all year and then discovering you need $500 to appear out of thin air.

CSA Box Score said...

Regarding the sidebars, I'm pretty sure that we've all just been stealing code from each other. :) Feel free to take and modify mine.